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Joguin com música 3

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Mensagem por Claire Farron Qui Fev 09, 2012 7:40 pm

(falta de criatividade com o titulo)

versão em ingrês...

1. Put your iPod or iTunes (if you're rich), Winamp or Windows Media Player (if you're poor) on shuffle songs

2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.

3. You must write that song name down no matter how silly it sounds.

1. If someone says “you’re hot”, you say?
Ayumi Hamasaki - HOPE and Pain

2. How would you describe your life?
My Chemical Romance - Party Poison

3. How do you feel today?
Bon Jovi - Blood on Blood

4. What is your life long goal?
Katy Perry - The One That Got Away

5. What do your friends think of you?
Marron 5 - I Won't Go Home Without You

6. What do your parents think of you?
My Chemical Romance - The Ghost of You

7. What do you think about often?
Scandinaviam Music Group - Mustana, Maidolla, Kylmänä, Kuumana (feat. Paula Vesala)

8. What do you think of the person who likes you?
Katy Perry - Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.)

9. What does your best friend always say to you?
Cinema Bizarre - Toyz

10. What do you want to be when you grow up?

11. What is your favourite saying?
Kanon Wakeshima - Shiroi Kokoro

12. What will you dance to at your wedding?

13. What will be played at your funeral?
Bon Jovi - Prayer '94

14. What is your biggest fear?
Ayumi Hamasaki - Replace

15. What is your latest secret?
Versailles - The Love From a Dead Orchestra

16. What do you think of your house?
Ayumi Hamasaki - The Judgement Day

17. What will you think when you see your first born?
2PM - Heartbeat

18. What were the first words you spoke?
The Rasmus - Guilty

19. What do you think about when you’re sad?
Michael Jackson - Smooth Criminal

20. What will you name this blog?
Emilie Simon - Closer
Claire Farron
Claire Farron
Autist Bastard
Autist Bastard

Mensagens : 235
Ka$h : 840
Likes : 0
Data de inscrição : 31/01/2012
Idade : 37
Localização : Marabá/PA

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