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[Light Novel] Campione!

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[Light Novel] Campione! Empty [Light Novel] Campione!

Mensagem por Caladon Aerdor Qua Out 16, 2013 10:14 pm

[Light Novel] Campione! Campione%21_Vol_01_cover

(estou sem porre para traduzir uma sinopse, então vai a do baka-tsuki)

"A Campione—a godslayer—is a supreme ruler.
Since he can kill a celestial being, he can therefore call on the sacrosanct, divine powers wielded by the gods.
A Campione—a godslayer—is a lord.
Since the power to kill a deity is in his hands, he therefore looms over all mortals on Earth.
A Campione—a godslayer—is a devil.
Since of all mortals who live in the world, none can assume a power to match his!
Kusanagi Godou, a 16 year old boy who played in the senior league as catcher and fourth hitter—that is, the cleanup—when he was in Junior High. However, an injury put an end to baseball.
Though that was not the end for him. During the spring break of his third and last year in Junior High, he got involved in an adventure and ended up slaying one of the Heretic Gods, Verethragna. Thus, he became the youngest—and seventh—Campione.
Now that he is a Campione, a godslayer, the young Godou must defeat the troublemaking gods, with the help of his followers!"

Muito melhor que o anime, no entanto um tanto difícil de se ler. Achei bastante interessante a história, e o desenvolver dos personagens, apesar de meio lento talvez, também não decepciona. Ainda preciso terminar de ler, mas recomendo também.
Caladon Aerdor
Caladon Aerdor
Sanguinary Maid
Sanguinary Maid

Turandor Masculino
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[Light Novel] Campione! HaJA8Yt

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